Carbon News - Intelligence for the carbon market


Green Party releases alternative climate plan

9 Dec 24 - The Green Party wants to take forestry out of the Emissions Trading Scheme and instead create biodiversity credits for afforestation.

Green’s EV fringe-benefit tax bill voted down

28 Nov 24 - Green MP Julie-Anne Genter had hoped National might consider backing her EV fringe-benefit tax bill because it was once a policy in the party’s 2020 manifesto, but those hopes were dashed.

Billionaires, frequent flyers, oil and gas: Who could fund COP29’s $1tn finance target?

21 Nov 24 - “It makes common sense to tax mega polluters and the mega-rich to ensure that we have the money needed for climate action at home and globally” according to one campaigner.

Canada’s carbon tax faces the axe

9 Oct 24 - The carbon tax is popular, innovative and helps save the planet, but as prime minister Justin Trudeau trails in the polls, the opposition is trying to persuade voters that environmental policy is a burden.

IRD consulting on tax and forestry ETS

19 Sep 24 - The Inland Revenue Department is consulting on an interpretation statement on tax and the forestry emissions trading scheme.

Initial carbon trading boost following stockpile reduction

9 Jul 24 - There was an initial “flurry” of carbon units trading hands on the secondary market last week, following a government update revealing a 25 million decrease in the stockpile of units in private accounts.

Denmark will be the first country to impose a carbon tax on farms

26 Jun 24 - Denmark, a major pork and dairy exporter, will introduce a tax on livestock carbon dioxide emissions from 2030, making it the first country to do so and hoping to inspire others to follow.

Wealthy Kiwis driving up transport emissions

13 Jun 24 - Cashed-up Kiwis are pumping out more than their fair share of transport emissions, driving more frequently and over longer distances, according to new research.

Expert slams govt delay in pricing agricultural emissions

12 Jun 24 - The coalition government has reaffirmed greenhouse gases from agriculture won’t be covered in the Emissions Trading Scheme and Cabinet is disestablishing primary sector climate action partnership He...

Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions

11 Jun 24 - Media release | Giving a regular cash payment to the entire world population has the potential to increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 130%.

Budget prioritises adaptation over emissions reductions

31 May 24 - The government is prioritising stop banks and floodwalls over initiatives to reduce emissions, with the $1.2bn Regional Infrastructure Fund to focus on climate resilience efforts, while hundreds of...

City should include cruise ship emissions in targets - campaigners

22 Mar 24 - Climate activists are urging Christchurch City Council to include cruise ship emissions in the city’s emissions reduction plan.

NZU price has greater impact on cost of electricity than petrol

21 Mar 24 - By Jeremy Rose | Counter-intuitively an increase in the price of carbon adds more to a household’s electricity bill in percentage terms than its petrol one.

First ETS auction of the year partially clears

20 Mar 24 - Today’s Emissions Trading Scheme auction has partially cleared.

Tepid market response to Commission’s advice - auction less than a week away

14 Mar 24 - By Liz Kivi | The Climate Change Commission’s call to drastically reduce Emissions Trading Scheme auction volumes has barely caused a blip on the secondary market - suggesting participants don’t...

Treasury increases estimated ETS auction revenue

22 Dec 23 - Treasury has increased its forecast ETS auction revenue from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.

Europe just launched the world’s first carbon tariff. Will the US follow suit?

4 Oct 23 - In the U.S., where climate policy has been highly politicized, the concept of a carbon tariff has recently emerged with rare bipartisan support.

UK industry risks falling foul of EU’s new carbon tax

4 Oct 23 - British businesses selling into the European Union are unprepared for the bloc’s new carbon tax and run the risk of penalties if they are not compliant, a leading advisory firm has warned.

Europe takes climate fight global as carbon border tax goes live

3 Oct 23 - The EU's effort to become climate neutral is kicking into high gear — as of Sunday the bloc's carbon border tax enters a trial period, which is likely to raise tensions with key trading partners.

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