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Shifting to a sustainable marine economy could contribute $14bn by 2035

Tuesday - Media release | New Zealand's marine economy could make a bigger contribution...

Environmental groups clarify qualities of stewardship land in meeting with prime minister

Monday - Media release | Earlier this week the Chief Executives of four leading ENGOs...

Climate change exhibition at Auckland University

13 Feb 25 - Media release | A powerful exhibition that showcases the devastating impacts of...

Genesis and Foresta in biomass supply negotiation

12 Feb 25 - Media release | Genesis Energy Limited (GENESIS) and Foresta (NZ) Limited...

Signs of hope as Whangamarino Wetlands bounces back from fire

10 Feb 25 - Media release | The internationally significant Whangamarino Wetland has proven...

Clarity on elusive atmospheric 'detergent' reveals climate change realities

10 Feb 25 - Media release | The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove...

Carbon neutral music video - NZ's first?

7 Feb 25 - Media release | Celebrated singer and co-writer from iconic NZ band...

More extreme weather predicted for subantarctic islands

4 Feb 25 - Media release | A Department of Conservation study is predicting more extreme...

Hundreds of native species highly vulnerable to climate change

3 Feb 25 - Media release | A major assessment released by DOC shows many of New Zealand's...

Pukekohe rail electrification completed

3 Feb 25 - Media release | The completion of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification...

Insurers welcome govt's climate adaptation response

31 Jan 25 - Media release | The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o...

Lodestone Energy's third and largest solar farm powers up

30 Jan 25 - Media release | Lodestone Energy, Aotearoa's leader in utility-scale solar...

LINZ begins 3D mapping of New Zealand coastline

29 Jan 25 - Media release | A new project is getting underway to map large parts of New...

Reducing the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants

28 Jan 25 - Media release | The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic...

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