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$35,000 of Environmental Leaders Fund grants allocated

Wednesday 11 Dec 24 12:00pm

Pouto School received $3000 ELF funding for its project Ngā Kaitiaki o Pouto: Wetland Guardians. They are pictured testing water quality.

Media release | Twenty-three Northland schools and early childhood centres are to share in $35,000 of Northland Regional Council Environmental Leaders Funding for projects ranging from ecosourcing and propagating native plants to a solar panel project.

Council Chair Geoff Crawford says the Environmental Leaders Fund (ELF) aims to support schools and early childhood centres (ECC) with projects that increase their students' knowledge and passion for the environment.


"As we respond and adapt to a changing climate, these projects will help to build climate resilience in our schools and surrounding communities."


Chair Crawford says schools and ECC can apply for up to $3000 each in categories including exploring alternative energy and sustainable transport, improving biodiversity, supporting a circular economy and reducing waste, protecting and preserving water and growing kai.


In total schools had applied for $96,898 in ELF grants, almost three times the available funding.


Successful applicants, their project name and the amount granted are:


  • Arapohue School, Bin It! $1500
  • Bay of Islands International Academy, Food forest for everyone - Kai Ngahengahe Uru Kahika, $1500
  • Dargaville Intermediate School, Solar Innovators, $3000
  • Educare Totara Park, Giving Back, $1500
  • Kaikohe Christian School, Thorpe Rd Wetland Restoration, $1500
  • Kaiwaka School, Our Rongoā Garden, $1500
  • Maromaku School, Growing our Mara Kai, $2899
  • Maungaturoto Primary School, Maungaturoto School & Community Garden: Growing Together, $3000
  • New Shoots Childcare Kerikeri, Growing our own Kai, $1000
  • Nga Tamariki o Te Tai Ao, Maara Kai, $2200
  • One Tree Point School, Garden to Table, $1500
  • Opononi Area School, Food Waste Prevention, $1142
  • Oromahoe School, Ecosourcing and propagating native plants, $1000
  • Parua Bay School, Solar Panel project, $1500
  • Pouto School, Ngā Kaitiaki o Pouto: Wetland Guardians, $3000Riverview School, ‘Roots to Resilience’ Rebuilding our Māra Kai, $1000
  • Ruakākā School, Ruakākā School Eco Warriors Compost Project, $1500
  • Springbank School, Food Forest, $1500
  • Tangiteroria School, Community Mahi - capturing the collaborative effort and the work involved in the project, $2000
  • Tauraroa Area School, The Joy of Composting, $700
  • Te Hapua School, Native planting and Food forest diversity, $3000
  • The Ridge Childcare, Feed Our Mara Kai, $1277.51
  • Whangārei Girls High School, Manse St Restoration Project, $1500. 


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