7 Oct 19 - By 2050 about two-thirds of the human population — that is six out of the world’s nine billion people — will be living in cities.
13 Sep 19 - Wellington is the new Paris of the South, according to the latest cities’ liveability index.
10 Sep 19 - Cities occupy about 2 per cent of the world’s land area, but are home to about 55 per cent of the world’s people and generate more than 70 per cent of global GDP, plus the associated greenhouse gas...
3 Sep 19 - Should we stop building airports? Return to mud and thatch? The climate crisis is an opportunity for creative thinking, but the values of architecture need a radical overhaul.
26 Aug 19 - With cities facing both rapid growth and radical, permanent climate change, urban authorities are faced with an increasingly vulnerable population.
23 Aug 19 - With concrete a major source of climate-changing emissions, cities around the world are looking at high-rise wooden buildings instead.
12 Jul 19 - A fifth of the world’s major cities will face “unknown” climate conditions by 205 as rising temperatures heighten the risks of drought and flooding.
24 May 19 - As cities increasingly feel the impacts of rising seas and temperatures, planners are rethinking the roles of urban parks.
10 Apr 19 - A UN-backed partnership will study the futuristic prospect of floating cities, looking at how platforms at sea might help to bail out coastal cities at risk of flooding.
4 Apr 19 - Scientists are studying the architectural skills developed by termites so we can keep cool, dry and well-ventilated in tall buildings without using fossil fuels.
6 Mar 19 - Joni Mitchell sang, “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” But could parking lots soon become extinct, with the lost paradise making a return?
8 Feb 19 - Urban areas are expected to grow by 80 per cent by the end of the next decade, and unless they grow up rather than out, they could be in trouble, says a new report.
5 Nov 18 - Under a new plan to deal with higher tides, Boston will allow the rising water to come in to the city, rather than fighting to keep it out.
29 Aug 18 - Five teams have been short-listed in a global design competition that could see two Auckland carparks redeveloped as eco-housing centres.
27 Aug 18 - Nineteen of the world’s largest cities have made ground-breaking pledges to cut carbon emissions from new buildings.
6 Aug 18 - Faced with a drought, it’s tempting for city managers to reduce the amount of space that needs water. Parks, public areas and private gardens are usually the first to go.
4 Jul 18 - Not just decorative, urban trees do much more: they enrich civic life, moderate climate change and save the taxpayer millions.
15 May 18 - New evidence suggests that compounds in deodorants, lotions, hair gels and perfumes are major sources of air pollution in urban areas.
14 May 18 - California will require solar panels on new homes and low-rise apartment buildings starting in 2020.
14 May 18 - Ambitious plans have been released which seek to transform London into one of the world’s greenest cities.