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COP 24 Archive

Four things that must be done at Katowice

6 Dec 18 - The urgency for decisive action is the imperative for COP24. The UN must press on with four major strands for meeting the Paris 1.5deg target.

Macron move likely to be felt at Katowice

5 Dec 18 - French leader Emmanuel Macron’s defeat by the gilets jaunes movement over a proposed eco-tax rise is likely to come as a painful lesson for environmental policymakers at UN climate talks in Katowice.

Climate leader running short on power

5 Dec 18 - The coalition that built the Paris Agreement has broken down, leaving UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa with few powerful friends to call on to secure a deal in Katowice.

You're acting like children, child tells leaders

5 Dec 18 - Action to fight global warming is coming whether world leaders like it or not, school student Greta Thunberg, 15, has told the UN climate change summit, accusing them of behaving like irresponsible...

NZ will take agriculture lead role at Katowice

4 Dec 18 - New Zealand will lead discussions at international climate talks in Poland on upping emissions reductions from farming.

Attenborough: Collapse of civilisation is on the horizon

4 Dec 18 - The collapse of civilisation and the natural world is on the horizon, Sir David Attenborough has told the UN climate change summit in Poland.

Kiwi sitting at the Katowice top table

Jo Tyndall

4 Dec 18 - New Zealander Jo Tyndall is one of the most influential people at international climate talks in Poland.

Host calls for solidarity with coal workers

4 Dec 18 - Polish leaders have delivered a clear message that climate change must be tackled, but not at the expense of the coal workers who built the industrial city that is hosting this year’s Cop24 summit.

Climate watchdog calls on NZ to show the way

3 Dec 18 - New Zealand is on a list of countries being called on to cut emissions as an example to the world.

COP 24 OPENS: The world at a crossroads

3 Dec 18 - Four senior figures behind efforts to limit climate change have warned that the planet "is at a crossroads" as key talks opened a day early in Poland.

GOOD COP: You've got to know your NDCs from your LMDCs

3 Dec 18 - International climate talks are fiendishly complex and stacked with jargon. Here's a glossary of the key concepts, forums and alliances you need to navigate the UN negotiations which started today in...

Draft G20 statement waters down Paris stand

27 Nov 18 - A draft communique from the leaders of the G20 shows that resolve to stand up for the Paris climate agreement against critical voices, such as the US, might be weakening.

Polish government split over coal

23 Nov 18 - Poland’s energy ministry has come out fighting for the coal sector, ahead of UN climate talks in Katowice next month.

Attenborough to speak for the people at UN climate summit

22 Nov 18 - Sir David Attenborough will address the UN’s climate change summit in Poland next month, taking up a newly established “people’s seat” at the negotiations.

Trump plans coal sideshow at Katowice

19 Nov 18 - The Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the UN climate talks in Katowice, Poland, next month.

Poland will push forest agenda as climate host

1 Oct 18 - Poland will ask all nations to agree on forests’ central role in the fight to curb climate change when they host UN talks in December, a leaked document has revealed.

Poland plans to leave its mark on climate talks

13 Sep 18 - Declarations on forests, electric vehicles and the impact of climate action on coal workers will be a central legacy of this year’s talks in Katowice.

Rich countries out to weaken Paris rules, say critics

11 Sep 18 - Complaints are growing that the United States and other wealthy countries are trying to manipulate the Paris Agreement rules to protect polluters and weaken their own commitments.

Countries inch forward on Paris Agreement

10 Sep 18 - The Bangkok climate change talks have closed with uneven progress on the guidelines that will tell the world how to implement the Paris Agreement.

Bangkok negotiators racing the clock

6 Sep 18 - Climate change negotiators who began an important meeting in Bangkok yesterday are under the gun.

5 Sep 18  Polish climate chief phones a friend (or two)

5 Feb 18  Poland urges ‘common sense’ over climate ambition


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