23 Sep 22 - In our weekly round-up of the best climate coverage in the local media: A biofuel mandate prompts economic and environmental criticism; new research in Australia reveals conservative voters care just...
16 Sep 22 - In our weekly round-up of the best climate coverage in the local media: Keith Woodford investigates the carbon offset process in New Zealand; data shows that as petrol prices soared this year, sales...
6 Sep 22 - The price of has carbon continued its steady rise, hitting an all-time high of more than $87 at the close of trade yesterday.
24 Aug 22 - The Wellington City Council is seeking feedback on its plans to build a new Sludge Minimising Facility at Moa Point which is says will help reduce the city’s total emissions.
15 Aug 22 - Keep New Zealand Beautiful has launched flexible workshops to help students understand the impacts of climate change, and how they can make a difference; while 100 Fijian youth renewed commitments to...
7 Jul 22 - The Climate Change Commission has thrown its support behind a system of farm-level pricing for agricultural emissions outside of the ETS in its advice to government released yesterday.
4 May 22 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
14 Apr 22 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
23 Feb 22 - A government holding company is taking a $2 million stake in Geo40 Ltd to help it upscale is lithium recovery technology at Ohaaki near Taupo.
3 Feb 22 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
27 Jan 22 - The Investor Group on Climate Change says the government should support the creation of a global reporting regime for climate risk disclosures.
24 Jan 22 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
6 Dec 21 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
1 Dec 21 - A list of talks, events, conferences and consultations relating to climate change in the coming weeks.
29 Nov 21 - Offsetting agricultural emissions through reforestation would cost 15% of farm profits, new research suggests.
18 Nov 21 - The Helen Clark Foundation has thrown its weight behind calls to make public transport free to young people and Community Service Card holders, in a discussion document released today.
10 Nov 21 - CLIMATE is the “ultimate systemic risk” and represents “the biggest single opportunity the insurance industry has ever seen,” according to the CEO of the centuries-old insurance market Lloyd’s.
8 Nov 21 - A leaked Cabinet paper has revealed climate change minister James Shaw failed to convince Cabinet to include agriculture in New Zealand’s net zero commitments, and that Treasury and MBIE both opposed...
1 Nov 21 - The government yesterday announced a more ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution that will see the “the amount of pollution NZ is responsible for” halved by 2030.
4 Oct 21 - Prime minister Jacinda Ardern is being urged to go hard and go early against climate change in an open letter being promoted by activist group Extinction Rebellion