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Paris Agreement

Photo Credit: REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov

Russia’s first climate lawsuit filed over greenhouse emissions

15 Sep 22 - Russia’s first climate lawsuit was filed in the Supreme Court on Tuesday by activists who demanded Russia take urgent steps to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet its obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Climate action calendar for COP27 published

3 Aug 22 - The incoming Presidency of COP27, together with the High-Level Champions and Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, have published the calendar of the thematic programme of the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in November.

Countries back away from pledge to update climate goals this year

2 Feb 22 - EVEN before the ink was dry on the Glasgow pact, questions about how many nations would actually honor their pledges were already circulating.

Russia aiming for carbon neutrality by 2060: Putin

14 Oct 21 - President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia — one of the world's biggest producers of oil and gas — is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2060.

An insider's view on why tonight's IPCC report is a big deal

9 Aug 21 - An extremely important report on the physical science of climate change will be released to the world tonight (8pm NZ time). CSIRO chief research scientist David Karoly explains why it's such a big deal.

Climate scientists meet as fires, floods and heatwaves batter Earth

27 Jul 21 - More than 200 of the world's leading climate scientists will begin meeting this week to finalise a landmark report summarising how Earth's climate has already changed, and what humans can expect for the rest of the century.

Climate pledges a long way from 1.5deg, UN warns

1 Mar 21 - Updated plans to reduce emissions barely make a dent in the huge cuts needed to meet global climate goals and the United Nations is calling for redoubled efforts.

Millions will die if world fails on climate promises

17 Feb 21 - Scientists have looked at conditions in just nine of the world’s 200 nations and found that − if the world keeps its Paris climate promises, of containing global heating to “well below” 2deg by...

US return boosts chances of COP26 success

22 Jan 21 - The United States' return to the Paris Agreement is vital to the next round of negotiations, says former New Zealand climate ambassador Dr Adrian Macey.

Countries signal greater climate ambition but ‘step change’ needed on road to Glasgow

14 Dec 20 - As 2020 comes to a close, world leaders have sent a signal of their willingness to step up their climate ambition, at a virtual event celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

UN chief calls for more climate finance for poor nations as 2020 goal slips

14 Dec 20 - Rich nations are "lagging badly" on a longstanding pledge to channel $100 billion a year in funding, from 2020 onwards, to help poorer countries develop cleanly and adapt to the worsening impacts of...

NZ cheering from the sideline in Sprint to Glasgow

11 Dec 20 - Officials will represent New Zealand at this weekend’s Sprint to Glasgow event marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

Australia will not be given speaking slot at climate summit, Morrison says

11 Dec 20 - Scott Morrison has signalled Australia will not be granted a speaking slot at a climate ambition summit this weekend, despite telling Parliament a week ago he would attend to “correct mistruths”...

Global 'elite' need to slash high-carbon lifestyles

11 Dec 20 - The world's wealthiest 1 per cent account for more than twice the combined carbon emissions of the poorest 50 per cent, according to the United Nations.

Parisversaire party to revive momentum on climate

9 Dec 20 - At the end of year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, world leaders are expected to revive momentum for climate action with fresh commitments to bring the goals of the Paris Agreement closer.

Is the Paris Agreement strong enough to avert climate catastrophe?

9 Dec 20 - No-one who was in the hall that winter evening in a gloomy conference centre on the outskirts of the French capital will ever forget it. Tension had been building throughout the afternoon, as after...

CO2 hits new record despite covid-19 lockdowns

24 Nov 20 - Climate-heating gases have reached record levels in the atmosphere despite the global lockdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN’s World Meteorological Organisation has said.

Trump takes another swipe at Paris Agreement

23 Nov 20 - Out-going United States president Donald Trump railed against the Paris climate accord overnight, telling world leaders at a virtual summit that the agreement was designed to cripple the US economy,...

Paris goals threatened by farms, forests and industry

20 Nov 20 - Many parts of the global economy, especially agriculture and the cement and steel industries, are heading in the wrong direction or cleaning up their act far too slowly to limit global warming to...

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