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Policy Development

The New Zealand Government's guide to the NZETS is available on the Ministry for the Environment website.

Commission recommends ‘net negative’ 2050 target

6 Dec 24 - The Climate Change Commission has recommended the government adopt more ambitious climate targets, including updating ‘net zero’ to be net negative -20 MtCO2e by 2050, as well as moving to include emissions from international shipping and aviation.

Govt climate plan creates financial risks, business leaders say

Photo Credit: Ministry of the Environment

6 Sep 24 - The proposed initiatives in the government’s Draft Second Emissions Reduction Plan carry a high risk of failure in policy implementation, according to the Sustainable Business Council and Climate Leaders Coalition.

Carbon capture – climate plan not clear cut

6 Aug 24 - Capturing carbon is capturing imaginations, but can it live up to the government’s expectations?

ETS consultation suggests lower prices for NZUs

15 May 24 - A new consultation document from the Ministry for the Environment suggests lowering the auction floor price for the Emissions Trading Scheme, as well as lowering the trigger price for the cost containment reserve.

Changes to oil and gas decommissioning regime coming

2 May 24 - The Australian and United Kingdom’s oil and gas decommissioning regimes are being considered as a potential template for New Zealand’s own sector, Resources Minister Shane Jones said.

Fast-track Approvals Bill ‘serious risk’ to NZ exporters: Environmental Defence Society

29 Apr 24 - Exporters should be ‘deeply concerned’ that the Fast-track Approvals Bill has not been assessed for consistency with any of New Zealand’s free trade agreements, according to the Environmental Defence Society.

Bell Gully on hazard risk management

10 Nov 23 - As New Zealanders face the rising environmental, social and economic costs of severe weather events like Cyclone Gabrielle, a work programme to improve natural hazard risk management under the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA) has begun.

NZ must improve how it puts together plans for emissions reductions: Environment Commissioner

8 Sep 23 - Make it coherent and have the Prime Minister take the lead: Those are two pieces of advice the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment wants the incoming government to take to heart when...

Consultation on exotic hardwoods and carbon tables in the ETS

30 Aug 23 - The Ministry for Primary Industries is consulting on recognising space-plantings and exotic hardwoods in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.

Law change means govt no longer has to promote mining on Crown land

24 Aug 23 - A law change means the government is no longer required to actively “promote” prospecting, exploration, and mining of minerals such as fossil fuels.

Updated bill “big win” for climate

17 Aug 23 - Activists are claiming a climate bill update as a significant win against big polluters - with 800,000 tonnes of subsidised carbon dioxide pollution now cut from free allocations.

Shaw calls for inquiry and cross-party consensus on community-led retreat

16 Aug 23 - Climate Change minister James Shaw has called for a select committee inquiry into community-led retreat and adaptation funding in the face of climate-fuelled disasters.

Carbon tariffs - what are the implications for NZ?

11 Aug 23 - A senior public sector consultant has suggested that New Zealand might want to consider being a fast follower of the European Union’s moves to implement a carbon tariff.

Govt launches consultation on five areas of energy transition policy

10 Aug 23 - The Government has launched consultation on New Zealand's transition towards a low emissions economy, with five streams of energy policy out for feedback.

Sustainable tourism plan "short on detail": Environment commissioner

8 Aug 23 - The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has criticised the government’s draft plan for sustainable tourism, saying it is short on detail, particularly around plans for decarbonisation.

Bill to amend forestry provisions of Climate Change Response Act

1 Aug 23 - The government has introduced a “tidy-up bill” to Parliament, to change the Climate Change Response Act 2002 administered by the Ministry for the Environment.

Forestry consultations

27 Jul 23 - The Ministry for Primary Industries is consulting on two forestry-related issues, with the deadline for one just a week away.

Govt announces review of the ETS

23 Mar 23 - The government has announced it is reviewing the Emissions Trading Scheme to see whether it can play a stronger role in driving New Zealand’s climate response.

Emissions reduction consultation document on its way

25 Aug 21 - The government is set to launch a consultation document on its emission reduction plan, possibly as soon as next week.

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Climate change exhibition at Auckland University

Today 12:00pm - Media release | A powerful exhibition that showcases the devastating impacts of...

Genesis and Foresta in biomass supply negotiation

Wednesday - Media release | Genesis Energy Limited (GENESIS) and Foresta (NZ) Limited...

Signs of hope as Whangamarino Wetlands bounces back from fire

Monday - Media release | The internationally significant Whangamarino Wetland has proven...

Clarity on elusive atmospheric 'detergent' reveals climate change realities

Monday - Media release | The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove...

Carbon neutral music video - NZ's first?

7 Feb 25 - Media release | Celebrated singer and co-writer from iconic NZ band...

More extreme weather predicted for subantarctic islands

4 Feb 25 - Media release | A Department of Conservation study is predicting more extreme...

Hundreds of native species highly vulnerable to climate change

3 Feb 25 - Media release | A major assessment released by DOC shows many of New Zealand's...

Pukekohe rail electrification completed

3 Feb 25 - Media release | The completion of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification...

Insurers welcome govt's climate adaptation response

31 Jan 25 - Media release | The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o...

Lodestone Energy's third and largest solar farm powers up

30 Jan 25 - Media release | Lodestone Energy, Aotearoa's leader in utility-scale solar...

LINZ begins 3D mapping of New Zealand coastline

29 Jan 25 - Media release | A new project is getting underway to map large parts of New...

Reducing the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants

28 Jan 25 - Media release | The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic...

New flood technology to prepare communities

28 Jan 25 - Media release | UC research is advancing geospatial technologies to improve...

Anti-climate action groups tend to arise in countries with stronger climate change efforts

27 Jan 25 - A new study suggests that counter climate groups emerge as a form of backlash...

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