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Books, Music and Films

‘Climate positive’ summer reading

22 Dec 23 - By Liz Kivi | Psychologists tell us we’re more likely to take positive action if we feel hope - rather than doom - about the climate crisis. So Carbon News has found some ideas for local reads for summer to inspire “climate positivity” in all its meanings.

The Lorax is Rod Carr's pick for best climate change related fiction book of all time

24 Dec 21 - The Lorax by Dr Seuss is Climate Change Commission chair Rod Carr's choice for the best fiction book relating to climate change in the inaugural Carbon News Climate Change Summer Reading list.

New book tells 1,001 firsthand stories of climate change from around the world

1 Dec 21 - ‘1,001 Voices on Climate Change’ aims to humanize the issue and inspire action

To win the new climate war, we need a new strategy: book review

29 Nov 21 - The well-known US climatologist Michael E. Mann is no pussyfooter. He likes to provoke, which makes his new book downright entertaining.

Net Zero: How we stop causing climate change

20 Aug 20 - The world is nowhere near tackling the climate crisis, says a new book by an Oxford scholar, Net Zero: How we stop causing climate change. But at least we know how to.

NEW READ: Only a revolution can cool the world

1 Aug 19 - An academic book on fossil fuel consumption reaches a startling conclusion: only a climate revolution can force governments to act to stop the planet overheating.

Climate world behind the wall

29 Apr 19 - What would it be like to live behind a barrier built to keep the world out? The Wall explores a post-climate change world.

FREE! A Kiwis' view of climate change

15 Dec 15 - If you want to understand climate change and what we need to do about it, two new Bridget Williams Books Texts will help.

How we see ourselves in the year 2100

23 Nov 15 - Most books report on what has already happened. John O’Brien has written one that describes the future.

Lucky Lotte wins Professor Tim's new book

28 Sep 15 - Lotte Blair of Wellington is the winner of Professor Tim Flannery’s new book, Atmosphere of Hope.

Tim Flannery gives us hope ... and we're giving away a of copy of his new book

14 Sep 15 - Tim Flannery says he's more hopeful now than he has been in years, thanks to the carbon-storing potential of technologies being developed by businesses all over the world.

Worth listening to ... Naomi Klein on climate change

Naomi Klein

7 Sep 15 - In her latest book, This Changes Everything, Canadian writer and activist Naomi Klein tackles the issue of climate change through a familiar prism: capitalism.

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