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ETS Review Submissions

Dairy firms see ETS dates clashing

3 Feb 20 - Reporting dates for the Emissions Trading Scheme should line up with farm production schedules, dairy companies say.

Zero carbon bill submissions open

24 May 19 - Submissions on the zero-carbon bill are open.

Shipowners want out of 'unfair' ETS

25 Mar 19 - Shipowners want out of the Emissions Trading Scheme, saying it won’t be fair if they have to pay twice for their emissions.

IT'S OFFICIAL: Ministers get the word on ETS changes

5 Jul 17 - Official advice on changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme has made its way from officials to ministers.

Researchers post new ideas for emissions trading

31 May 17 - A carbon price ceiling and floor, controls on the number of carbon credits circulating in New Zealand, and forward agreements for New Zealand to buy credits from developing countries are among new proposals to get the Emissions Trading Scheme cracking.


9 May 17 - Spot NZUs opened today at $17.10 bid and $17.15 offered, after last fixing at $17.15.

Include farming in ETS, says former climate envoy

3 Feb 17 - Our former climate ambassador says that agriculture should be brought into the Emissions Trading Scheme – even if it is treated differently.

Businesses plead for more ETS information

6 Oct 16 - The Government should be providing more information on the workings of the Emissions Trading Scheme – including carbon price forecasts and trading data, say participants in the scheme.

Keep us out of the ETS, pleads steel industry

12 Aug 16 - New Zealand Steel wants the steel industry excluded from the Emissions Trading Scheme, saying that rising carbon prices are putting the industry at risk.

Anxious farmers keen to keep carbon subsidies

10 Aug 16 - Farmers – already exempt from liability for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions from their businesses – urged the Government to keep other subsidies in place to further protect them from carbon...

Nation needs emissions targets, says banker

9 Aug 16 - New Zealand should be setting annual emissions targets, says Westpac

Businesses call for ETS policy certainty

4 Aug 16 - Calls for cross-party policy on climate change, and complaints about “continual and ad-hoc” changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme dominated comments on the first stage of the latest review of the...

Industries fought to keep 1:2 carbon subsidy

2 Aug 16 - The waste, stationary energy, industrial processing and agricultural sectors mounted the biggest opposition to getting rid of the one-for-two carbon subsidy.

Minister reports on second stage of ETS review

20 Jul 16 - Climate change minister Paula Bennett has reported to her colleagues on the second stage of the Emissions Trading Scheme review.

Subsidy loss will cost dairy farmers a 'low' $4588

15 Jul 16 - Removal of the one-for-two carbon subsidy will cost dairy farmers $4588 and households between $66 and $99 - costs that Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett says are “relatively low”.

Firms made closure threats over 1:2 subsidy change

Paula Bennett

15 Jul 16 - Four companies threatened to close if the Government removed the one-for-two carbon subsidy.

ETS REVIEW: Plenty are talking about agriculture

13 Jul 16 - The Government might have wanted agriculture kept out of the current review of the Emissions Trading Scheme, but that hasn’t stopped scores of people, ranging from Air New Zealand to the country’s...

Carbon should trade in limited range, says forester

Thomas Song

15 Jun 16 - New Zealand’s carbon prices should be kept within a band of $15 to $50, says a forestry company that has played a leading role in developing the carbon market.

OFF TARGET: Carbon over-shoot could cost billions

30 May 16 - Officials warned the Government that New Zealand was at risk of over-shooting its 2030 emissions reduction target by 150 million tonnes – due largely to subsidies to emitters and a stockpile of...

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