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COP 22

Dr Rhys Jones

NZ doctor gives Marrakech a message

22 Nov 16 - A New Zealand doctor told world leaders gathering in Marrakech that human rights must be protected as the world takes action on climate change.

Marrakech marks the start of a new era ... but going where?

21 Nov 16 - As dusk fell over Marrakech on Friday, a chill gripped the fast-emptying pavilions that housed the 2016 UN climate summit.

Musings from Marrakech ...

18 Nov 16 - Green Party MP Dr Kennedy Graham, a former diplomat and veteran of international climate change negotiations, reports from the latest round, in Marrakech.

Three amigos launch beyond-Trump strategies

18 Nov 16 - The US, Canada and Mexico have joined Germany in releasing strategies for radically cutting their greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century.

Tokelau comes under the Paris Agreement umbrella

17 Nov 16 - New Zealand is extending its ratification of the Paris Agreement to include Tokelau.

World needs major emissions cuts by 2020, says report

17 Nov 16 - All key sectors– including commercial agriculture – must have major emissions cuts under way by 2020 if the world is to keep global warming within the Paris Agreement’s 1.5deg limit, a new report says.

Meet the man nobody wants at Marrakech

17 Nov 16 - An awful lot of people at the Marrakech climate talks would really like it if Benjamin Sporton went home and never came back.

MARRAKECH MESSAGE: We've got enough clean credits

16 Nov 16 - New Zealand is likely to use 38.1 million tonnes of its surplus carbon credits to meet its next emissions reduction target and will not need access to international markets, climate change talks in...

Obama’s climate envoys fight back

16 Nov 16 - US climate negotiators emerged from their post-election silence in Marrakech with a bellicose message that their legacy was beyond reach of Donald Trump.

Marrakech officials want hope for coal miners

16 Nov 16 - If the shift away from fossil fuels is not carefully managed, it will create left-behind communities and resentment, officials warn at COP22 climate talks.

Natural disasters push millions into poverty each year

16 Nov 16 - Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and other extreme natural disasters push 26 million people into poverty each year and cost the global economy more than half a trillion dollars in lost consumption, the...

Marrakech nations wield carrots, not sticks

15 Nov 16 - Across the UN climate talks in Marrakech, countries are emphasising the benefits to the US of staying in the Paris Agreement.

Nations have one week to save Marrakech talks

14 Nov 16 - Climate diplomats in Marrakech are working furiously behind the scenes to send a message to Donald Trump that the world remains a place of pluralism and cooperation.

Other nations might obstruct Paris climate deal

14 Nov 16 - Concerns are mounting that Donald Trump’s victory could embolden some fossil fuel-rich countries to try unpicking the historic Paris climate agreement, which came into force last week.

American Muslims ditch fossil fuels investments

14 Nov 16 - As representatives of many of the world’s main religions join financial leaders in calling for a switch of investment from polluting energy to renewables, a prominent Islamic organisation says it...

PLEASE EXPLAIN: NZ under scrutiny in Marrakech

10 Nov 16 - New Zealand's progress on cutting greenhouse gas emissions will come under international scrutiny at climate talks in Marrakech on Monday.

Marrakech climate talks have no Plan B

10 Nov 16 - Delegates gathered at the COP22 United Nations climate conference in Morocco did not expect a United States election upset.

Churches call for fossil fuel funds divestments

9 Nov 16 - The world’s churches – including some in New Zealand – are calling on governments to get their countries’ pension funds out of fossil fuels.

Climate change momentum begins today with Marrakech

8 Nov 16 - The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Marrakech has started - just three days after the Paris Agreement entered into force.

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