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COP 24

Stage set for humanity’s two most crucial years

19 Dec 18 - Decisions made from now to 2020 will determine to what extent Earth remains habitable.

NZ and Europe to strengthen market cooperation

Miguel Arias Canete

18 Dec 18 - New Zealand is to strengthen its carbon market ties with Europe.

Anti-climate change strongmen still on the outer

18 Dec 18 - The COP24 talks just ended in Poland have shown that global warming treaties can survive the era of the anti-climate strongman.

Protesters to up pressure on governments

18 Dec 18 - Civil society groups have pledged growing international protests to drive rapid action on global warming after the UN climate summit in Poland.

Shaw hopes for carbon market rules next year

17 Dec 18 - Climate minister James Shaw is optimistic that rules governing carbon markets will be settled next year.

What was agreed and why did it take so long?

17 Dec 18 - Fractious UN climate change talks in Poland ended with a deal on putting the Paris agreement into practice – but much else left unresolved

Shaw has high hopes for Katowice success

14 Dec 18 - Climate minister James Shaw is confident a Paris Agreement rule book and agreement about limiting warming to 1.5deg will come out of bogged-down talks in Poland.

China says it's open to ‘uniform’ climate rules

14 Dec 18 - China has signalled it is open to following “uniform” global climate change rules, shifting from its usual push for a clear division of responsibilities for rich and poor countries.

UN chief in bid to revive flagging talks

13 Dec 18 - UN Secretary-General António Guterres has made a dramatic intervention to revive flagging climate talks in Poland by flying back to the conference and preparing a personal call to Chinese President...

Saudi falls foul of developing countries

13 Dec 18 - Competing visions of climate justice have alienated Saudi Arabia from other developing countries at UN climate talks in Poland.

We're making progress - towards 3deg warming

12 Dec 18 - If all governments achieve their largely insufficient climate targets, the world will see 3deg of warming by 2100, twice the 1.5deg limit they agreed in Paris three years ago, says the Climate Action...

Indigenous peoples clinch climate deal

12 Dec 18 - Indigenous peoples clinched a deal in Poland that will give them a voice in global climate change negotiations, but only after conceding to a push to put national sovereignty above their rights.

Australia's silence shocks delegates

11 Dec 18 - Australia has been accused of tacitly supporting oil allies’ rejection of the UN's latest science report at the climate summit in Katowice.

US is still very much in the game

11 Dec 18 - Forget Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris Agreement. The US is still very much in and zealously setting the tone of international climate change negotiations.

Global investors call for more action

10 Dec 18 - The largest-ever group of institutional investors has called on governments around the world to urgently increase their efforts to meet the Paris climate change agreement goals.

Oil producerrs scrap over UN climate report

10 Dec 18 - Four big oil and gas producers blocked UN climate talks from welcoming the most influential climate science report in years, as a meeting in Poland descended into acrimony.

Climate control could save millions of lives, says WHO

7 Dec 18 - Beating climate change would save at least a million lives a year, the World Health Organisation has told the UN climate summit in Poland, making it a moral imperative.

Indonesia manages to fly below the radar

7 Dec 18 - International leaders are in Katowice debating the world's warming climate - but seldom mentioned is Indonesia, one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases.

Emissions jump to all-time high in 2018

6 Dec 18 - Global carbon emissions will jump to a record high in 2018, says a report released at the Katowice climate summit, dashing hopes a plateau of recent years would be maintained.

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