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Enough fiddling: The ETS needs to be allowed to do its job

10 May 24 - By Andrew Cushen | OPINION: While it isn’t perfect, the Emissions Trading Scheme is the only tool in our climate response that is working at the scale we need to meet the challenge in front of us. Turning this off or restricting it will impact us all environmentally, socially, and economically.

The ETS works just fine, but unaffordable, ideological reforms will set us back

25 Jul 23 - By Andrew Cushen | OPINION: We are seeing a lot of noise about the Emissions Trading Scheme at the moment. If you listen to the likes of Climate Change Minister James Shaw, and previous Carbon News correspondent, Deirdre Kent, you may be thinking the scheme is a failure and in desperate need of reform.

Isn’t it time to admit the Emissions Trading Scheme will never work?

13 Jul 23 - By Deirdre Kent | OPINION: The ETS won’t work and the time has come to explore other methods of reducing emissions instead, like Tradable Energy Quotas.

Scrapping the biofuels mandate is short-term thinking during climate crisis

21 Feb 23 - By Paul Bennett | OPINION: The Government’s decision to halt the biofuels mandate may ease concerns about looming price hikes at the petrol pump but it’s a political can that can’t be kicked down the road forever.

Let's think about what's possible

4 Feb 21 - We need more than electric cars to save us - it's time to think about a whole new transport system, says applied mathematician Professor Robert McLachlan.

OPINION: Now is the time for businesses to step up

15 Sep 20 - While covid-19 wreaks havoc on economies, industries and businesses around the world, some challenges are equally as urgent and potentially as devastating.

It's time to Think Big again on energy

21 Aug 20 - Paul Goodeve, chief executive of gas network operator First Gas, puts the case for hydrogen over pumped hydro, and says the likely closure of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter is a golden opportunity.

OPINION: Coconut oil production threatens five times more species than palm oil

9 Jul 20 - By ERIK MEIJAARD | Born in the Netherlands and brought up in Germany, it wasn’t until I was 21 that I met my first coconut.

OPINION: Science makes a comeback

26 Mar 20 - By JIM SALINGER | This has been a strange period and I have been reflecting on the uptake of scientific facts and advice with the covid-19 pandemic.

OPINION: Why the market ups and downs?

Lizzie Chambers

4 Feb 20 - By LIZZIE CHAMBERS | Since the Government's proposed ETS settings were announced just prior to Christmas, we have watched NZU prices jump up significantly.

OPINION: These fires have changed us

Thomas Keneally

3 Feb 20 - By THOMAS KENEALLY | Last Australian autumn, and all through winter, a group of retired fire chiefs wanted to meet with prime minister Scott Morrison, and warn him that Australia had passed, as if...

OPINION: UK farmers are the best

6 Nov 19 - BY JOE STANLEY | As a cattle farmer I come under constant criticism, but UK livestock production is among the most sustainable in the world.

OPINION: Greta good, but let's not forget other young voices

7 Oct 19 - By CHIKA UNIGWE | Young people in the global south have been tackling the climate crisis for years. They should be celebrated, too.

OPINION: The gloves are off

18 Sep 19 - By TIM FLANNERY | In this age of rapidly melting glaciers, terrifying megafires and ever more puissant hurricanes, of acidifying and rising oceans, it is hard to believe that any further prod to...

OPINION: New Zealand is one of a kind

9 Sep 19 - New Zealand climate scientist Professor Jim Salinger and United States meteorologist Professor Jose D Fuentes explain why they’ve told the Government to be much harder on methane emissions than it is...

OPINION: This is crunch point for our oceans

20 Aug 19 - By GILLIAN ANDERSON | A new ocean treaty hangs in the balance. Our leaders must act boldly, and grasp the opportunity to protect these wild spaces.

OPINION: How Big Oil is polluting politics

George Monbiot

9 Aug 19 - By GEORGE MONBIOT | The fossil-fuel lobby is threatened by public concern over the climate crisis. So it’s buying influence to get the results it wants.

OPINION: Let's suck the glamour from the car industry

5 Aug 19 - By ISABELLA KAMINSKY | We need to make driving to the school gates as unacceptable as handing a baby a lit cigarette.

OPINION: Pasture plays a big role

2 Jul 19 - By SARAH GARD | Pasture management, alongside livestock solutions, shouldn’t be overlooked as a tool for mitigating climate change.

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