Carbon News - Intelligence for the carbon market


Global EV sales surge 18% but speed bumps lie ahead

Today 12:00pm - 1.3 million electric vehicles were sold worldwide in January - down by more than a third from December's record-breaking numbers, but up 18% compared to the same month last year.

Six ways ad agencies greenwash themselves

Today 12:00pm - New research reveals how advertising agencies cast themselves as climate champions while at the same time promoting fossil fuels.

Greenpeace files anti-intimidation case against an American fossil fuel pipeline company

Today 12:00pm - Greenpeace has filed an anti-intimidation court case against a U.S. energy company suing the environmental organization for hundreds of millions, testing for the first time a new European Union directive to counter manifestly unfounded cases aimed at harassing civil society.

Earth is already shooting through the 1.5C global warming limit, two major studies show

Wednesday - Earth is crossing the threshold of 1.5C of global warming, according to two major global studies which together suggest the planet's climate has likely entered a frightening new phase.

Ad giant faces legal action for promoting fossil fuels

Wednesday - Climate campaigners have filed a complaint against WPP, the London-based advertising giant, with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), stating that it has violated key corporate guidelines on climate and human rights.

Most nations miss deadline for plans to fight climate change

Wednesday - Nearly 200 nations faced a Monday deadline to file what the United Nations' climate chief calls "among the most important policy documents governments will produce this century" -- their plans on how they will cut emissions of heat-trapping gases.

95% of countries miss UN deadline to submit 2035 climate pledges

Tuesday - Just 10 of the 195 parties signed up to the landmark Paris Agreement have published their new emissions-cutting plans, known as "nationally determined contributions" (NDCs), by the 10 February deadline.

Baltic states unplug from Russia and join EU power grid

Tuesday - The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are now unplugged from Russia's electricity grid and have joined the European Union's network.

EU must propel global climate momentum to fill the gap left by Trump

Tuesday - Europe has the potential to play an important role, but it will have to move fast, and be smart and more united than before.

How a 'cow fart' vaccine could help tackle climate change

Tuesday - The cow's amazing ability to sustain itself by eating nothing but grass is one of the marvels of nature, but it comes at a cost.

'We left pieces of our life behind': Indigenous group flees drowning island

Tuesday - "If the island sinks, I will sink with it," Delfino Davies says, his smile not fading for a second.

UN gives countries more time to submit "quality" climate plans for 2035

Monday - China, the EU and India are among big polluters set to miss this month's deadline for new targets as concerns grow of a "softening" in climate ambition.

Airbus postpones development of new hydrogen aircraft

Monday - Airbus said on Friday it is delaying plans to develop a hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft by the middle of next decade, citing slower than expected developments in technology.

US climate retreat highlights need for China-EU green co-op

Monday - OPINION: The US' withdrawal from the Paris Agreement as part of President Donald Trump's plans to halt US climate action has not only plunged global efforts to tackle climate change into a state of...

Record January warmth puzzles climate scientists

Friday - Last month was the world's warmest January on record raising further questions about the pace of climate change, scientists say.

That giant sucking sound? It's climate change devouring your home's value

Friday - As the compounding impacts of climate-driven disasters take effect, we are seeing home insurance prices spike around the country, pushing up the costs of owning a home.

Rice variant slashes planet-warming methane emissions by 70 per cent

5 Feb 25 - Using traditional crossbreeding, researchers have created a new strain of rice that produces much less methane, a potent greenhouse gas, when it is grown in flooded fields.

Paris Agreement no longer relevant for Indonesia, says envoy

4 Feb 25 - Indonesia's special envoy for climate change and energy, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said he considers the Paris Agreement no longer relevant for Indonesia following the US withdrawal from the deal.

Shell dodges paying compensation for sham carbon credits in China

4 Feb 25 - The energy giant exited the failed projects after Verra asked for redress, but a legal expert says Shell should be held responsible.

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Climate change exhibition at AUT

Today 12:00pm - Media release | A powerful exhibition that showcases the devastating impacts of...

Genesis and Foresta in biomass supply negotiation

Wednesday - Media release | Genesis Energy Limited (GENESIS) and Foresta (NZ) Limited...

Signs of hope as Whangamarino Wetlands bounces back from fire

Monday - Media release | The internationally significant Whangamarino Wetland has proven...

Clarity on elusive atmospheric 'detergent' reveals climate change realities

Monday - Media release | The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove...

Carbon neutral music video - NZ's first?

Friday - Media release | Celebrated singer and co-writer from iconic NZ band...

More extreme weather predicted for subantarctic islands

4 Feb 25 - Media release | A Department of Conservation study is predicting more extreme...

Hundreds of native species highly vulnerable to climate change

3 Feb 25 - Media release | A major assessment released by DOC shows many of New Zealand's...

Pukekohe rail electrification completed

3 Feb 25 - Media release | The completion of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification...

Insurers welcome govt's climate adaptation response

31 Jan 25 - Media release | The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o...

Lodestone Energy's third and largest solar farm powers up

30 Jan 25 - Media release | Lodestone Energy, Aotearoa's leader in utility-scale solar...

LINZ begins 3D mapping of New Zealand coastline

29 Jan 25 - Media release | A new project is getting underway to map large parts of New...

Reducing the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants

28 Jan 25 - Media release | The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic...

New flood technology to prepare communities

28 Jan 25 - Media release | UC research is advancing geospatial technologies to improve...

Anti-climate action groups tend to arise in countries with stronger climate change efforts

27 Jan 25 - A new study suggests that counter climate groups emerge as a form of backlash...

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