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Carbon News In Depth

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Fonterra announces more cash for low-emission farmers

Wednesday - Dairy co-operative Fonterra is introducing higher payments for farms that reduce on-farm emissions.

New Parliament buildings get highest rating for sustainable design

Wednesday - Two new Parliament buildings, the Ballantrae Place Building and the Museum Street Building, have achieved 6 Green Star ratings - the highest sustainability rating - for their design.

Consultation on standard for measuring biogas and biomethane carbon intensity

Wednesday - As biomethane and biogas become more common, New Zealand needs a consistent approach to measuring the carbon intensity of these fuels, according to the Bioenergy Association.

Genesis stocks up on coal

Tuesday - Genesis Energy is prepared to burn up to 1.2 million tonnes of coal at Huntly Power Station this winter.

Plan to reduce climate risk reporting 'backward'

Tuesday - Government plans to weaken the climate-related disclosures regime could damage the economy and disadvantage businesses, according to Lawyers for Climate Action.

Watts waves the regulatory stick at gentailers

Tuesday - Energy Minister Simon Watts said the Government would not accept another repeat of last winter's events in the electricity market but stopped short of saying what ministers would do if it did happen again.

Govt unveils $30 million to support conservation tourism

Tuesday - The Government will invest $30 million to fund more than a dozen projects to boost biodiversity and the tourist economy, a move the Green Party is calling an embarrassment.

Road lobbyists undermining climate policy: research

Monday - Road lobbyists in New Zealand are using a well-known "playbook" of techniques to influence transport and climate policy decisions, undermining progress towards a sustainable transport system,...

Climate adaptation takes bigger chunk of govt spend

Monday - Government spending on climate adaptation has jumped by $666 million, while other environmental spending dropped, according to estimates from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.

California fires warning for NZ - Insurer

Friday - Tower Insurance says that a climate change adaptation framework is crucial for minimising the insurance gap and preventing New Zealanders experiencing the same anguish as in the wake of the recent...

Secondary market remains flat as carbon auction approaches

Friday - With the first carbon auction of the year just over a month away, one broker is predicting trading will continue at prices below this year's $68 auction floor price.

NZ govt's climate retreat makes international news

Friday - Trump's "era of climate retreat" is already on show in New Zealand, according to New York-based Bloomberg news, in a story describing Prime Minister Christopher Luxon's green reversals as "climate...

Pesticides worsen biodiversity crisis

Friday - New Zealand needs to urgently move to alternative practices to reduce pesticide impacts on biodiversity and change the country's "completely outdated" regulatory framework, experts say.

Swedish company gets $4 million to help curb NZ livestock emissions

13 Feb 25 - Industry-government partnership AgriZeroNZ is investing about NZD $4.2 million in Agteria Biotech, a Swedish company aiming to slash global methane emissions from cattle.

Fast-track applications open

13 Feb 25 - Applications are now open for the fast-track approvals regime through a full-cost recovery system.

NZ's climate target 'wholly inadequate' to protect health

12 Feb 25 - A global organisation has slammed New Zealand's 2035 climate commitment, saying it shows limited mitigation ambition and fails to address health impacts.

Bluegreen leader on the outer

12 Feb 25 - The leader of National's Bluegreen caucus, Scott Simpson, has found himself out of Prime Minister Christopher Luxon's favour.

Airbus delay signals turbulence for hydrogen-powered aviation

11 Feb 25 - A plan to decarbonise aviation in New Zealand is up in the air after airplane manufacturer Airbus announced significant delays for its development of hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft.

NZ First introduces bill to fight 'woke banks'

11 Feb 25 - The supposed fight between NZ First and banks' lending policies enters another week, with a new Member's Bill hoping to prevent banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current...

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Shifting to a sustainable marine economy could contribute $14bn by 2035

Tuesday - Media release | New Zealand's marine economy could make a bigger contribution...

Environmental groups clarify qualities of stewardship land in meeting with prime minister

Monday - Media release | Earlier this week the Chief Executives of four leading ENGOs...

Climate change exhibition at Auckland University

13 Feb 25 - Media release | A powerful exhibition that showcases the devastating impacts of...

Genesis and Foresta in biomass supply negotiation

12 Feb 25 - Media release | Genesis Energy Limited (GENESIS) and Foresta (NZ) Limited...

Signs of hope as Whangamarino Wetlands bounces back from fire

10 Feb 25 - Media release | The internationally significant Whangamarino Wetland has proven...

Clarity on elusive atmospheric 'detergent' reveals climate change realities

10 Feb 25 - Media release | The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove...

Carbon neutral music video - NZ's first?

7 Feb 25 - Media release | Celebrated singer and co-writer from iconic NZ band...

More extreme weather predicted for subantarctic islands

4 Feb 25 - Media release | A Department of Conservation study is predicting more extreme...

Hundreds of native species highly vulnerable to climate change

3 Feb 25 - Media release | A major assessment released by DOC shows many of New Zealand's...

Pukekohe rail electrification completed

3 Feb 25 - Media release | The completion of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification...

Insurers welcome govt's climate adaptation response

31 Jan 25 - Media release | The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o...

Lodestone Energy's third and largest solar farm powers up

30 Jan 25 - Media release | Lodestone Energy, Aotearoa's leader in utility-scale solar...

LINZ begins 3D mapping of New Zealand coastline

29 Jan 25 - Media release | A new project is getting underway to map large parts of New...

Reducing the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants

28 Jan 25 - Media release | The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic...

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