Carbon News - Intelligence for the carbon market


Aotearoa Circle chooses new finance leaders

5 Nov 20 - Former Reserve Bank director Bridget Coates and Chapman Tripp partner Ross Pennington are the new co-chairs of The Aotearoa Circle's Sustainable Finance Forum.

Government's climate director has a new job

31 Aug 20 - The head of the Ministry for the Environment’s climate directorate has gone to work for DairyNZ.

SBC votes in new board members

27 Aug 20 - The Sustainable Business Council has five new advisory-board members.

New sustainability head at Pâmu

27 Aug 20 - Pâmu has appointed Lisa Martin to the executive leadership team in the newly created role of general manager of sustainability and farming systems.

Former council CEO joins environment watchdog

Mary-Anne McLead

29 Aug 19 - A former chief executive of the Bay of Plenty regional council has been appointed to the board of the Environmental Protection Agency, which oversees the management of the Emissions Trading Register.

Environment officials to get new science advice

Dr Alison Collins

6 Jul 17 - The Ministry for the Environment is to get a new science adviser.

New EECA chief has busy background

James Hay

28 Oct 16 - The new chief executive of the Government’s energy efficiency agency has a background in commercial law, policy making and disaster recovery.

Greens' Hague quits to head Forest & Bird

Kevin Hague

6 Sep 16 - Green Party MP Kevin Hague is quitting Parliament to become chief executive of the environmental organisation Forest and Bird.

EPA appoints science voice for the people

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth

11 Aug 16 - The Environmental Protection Authority has appointed a chief scientist to help people to understand the science behind its decisions.

Green build group chooses new chief

Andrew Eagles

9 Aug 16 - The Green Building Council has a new chief executive.

Entrepreneurs join green-growth organisation

Victpria Ransom

2 Jun 16 - Internationally successful entrepreneurs Victoria Ransom and Katherine Corich are new trustees for the business-led green growth organisation Pure Advantage.

Our man in Tokyo gets top climate-change job

Mark Sinclair

18 Apr 16 - New Zealand’s next Climate Change Ambassador will be career diplomat Mark Sinclair.

Labelling watchdog gets new chief

22 Mar 16 - Environmental Choice, the government-owned-and-backed environmental labelling organisation, has a new general manager.

Investor group names new chief executive

Emma Herd ... key risk

10 Aug 15 - The Investor Group on Climate Climate Change Australia/New Zealand has a new chief executive.

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Climate change exhibition at Auckland University

Thursday - Media release | A powerful exhibition that showcases the devastating impacts of...

Genesis and Foresta in biomass supply negotiation

Wednesday - Media release | Genesis Energy Limited (GENESIS) and Foresta (NZ) Limited...

Signs of hope as Whangamarino Wetlands bounces back from fire

Monday - Media release | The internationally significant Whangamarino Wetland has proven...

Clarity on elusive atmospheric 'detergent' reveals climate change realities

Monday - Media release | The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove...

Carbon neutral music video - NZ's first?

7 Feb 25 - Media release | Celebrated singer and co-writer from iconic NZ band...

More extreme weather predicted for subantarctic islands

4 Feb 25 - Media release | A Department of Conservation study is predicting more extreme...

Hundreds of native species highly vulnerable to climate change

3 Feb 25 - Media release | A major assessment released by DOC shows many of New Zealand's...

Pukekohe rail electrification completed

3 Feb 25 - Media release | The completion of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail electrification...

Insurers welcome govt's climate adaptation response

31 Jan 25 - Media release | The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kāhui Inihua o...

Lodestone Energy's third and largest solar farm powers up

30 Jan 25 - Media release | Lodestone Energy, Aotearoa's leader in utility-scale solar...

LINZ begins 3D mapping of New Zealand coastline

29 Jan 25 - Media release | A new project is getting underway to map large parts of New...

Reducing the environmental impact of synthetic refrigerants

28 Jan 25 - Media release | The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic...

New flood technology to prepare communities

28 Jan 25 - Media release | UC research is advancing geospatial technologies to improve...

Anti-climate action groups tend to arise in countries with stronger climate change efforts

27 Jan 25 - A new study suggests that counter climate groups emerge as a form of backlash...

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