Carbon News - Intelligence for the carbon market

Election 2020

Shaw 'odds-on' as minister, says Simpson

27 Oct 20 - National’s climate spokesperson is picking Green Party co-leader James Shaw will stay on as climate minister.

Business makes bid for $7.23 billion

22 Oct 20 - Businesses want the new Government to back $7.23 billion worth of projects they say will cut the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 5.5 per cent over the next decade.

The four who could be our next climate minister

19 Oct 20 - Who will be New Zealand’s next climate minister? Carbon News canvasses the options and comes up with four names.

Carbon tariffs for steel, aluminium, on the table

16 Oct 20 - A new Labour Government could bring in carbon tariffs at the border, says Trade Minister David Parker.

AGRICULTURE: Sage confirms Cabinet vetoed carbon pricing from next year

16 Oct 20 - Climate Minister James Shaw tried to put a price on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture from next year, according to fellow Green Cabinet minister Eugenie Sage.

National releases its climate policy - at last

15 Oct 20 - Forestry's role under the Emissions Trading Scheme would be reviewed under a National Government and agricultural emissions would not face a carbon price until other countries do the same.

Business, experts, brief PM in secret meeting

13 Oct 20 - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and three of her Cabinet heavyweights have been briefed on what experts and business leaders see as the real issues in dealing with climate change.

Labour targets transport and heat in climate policy

8 Oct 20 - A re-elected Labour Government would ban the installation of most new coal-fired industrial boilers and decarbonise the public transport fleet by 2035, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced...

The young and Green voters still hot on climate

6 Oct 20 - Climate change remains the country’s biggest issue for young voters, despite the covid-19 pandemic, a new independent political poll shows.

FRIDAY POLITICS: Enter the Man from the North

Shane Jones

17 Jul 20 - Cabinet minister and New Zealand First MP Shane Jones is angry about the long shadow Rogernomics still casts over the people of the North.

Climate not big election issue, says National

Scott Simpson

2 Mar 20 - Climate change should be less of an election issue this year than it was last time round, thanks to cross-party agreement on the zero-carbon act, says National Party climate spokesperson Scott...

FRIDAY POLITICS: Ready, willing, and Abel

Steve Abel

21 Feb 20 - By ADELIA HALLETT | A largely unheralded candidate selection in Auckland this week could prove pivotal in New Zealand’s climate politics.

Climate crisis looms as major election issue

13 Feb 20 - Climate change will be a major factor for more than a quarter of voters in this year’s general election, a new poll suggests.

Greens vow to make polluters foot the bill

29 Jan 20 - The Greens go into the September 19 election promising to “fix” the carbon price.

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