Carbon News - Intelligence for the carbon market


Ten-year fight to protect old dumpsite from ocean

19 Nov 24 - By Matthew Rosenberg, Local Democracy Reporter | A community advocate fears an old dumpsite next to a crumbling coastal road in Southland will be eaten away by the sea while she waits for council action.

How to prevent widespread harm of plastic pollution? New research

20 Sep 24 - Tackling microplastic pollution, which could more than double by 2040, needs a strategy which takes on board economics and human behaviour as well as science, according to a review of 20 years of microplastics research.

Waste to energy plant proposed for Waimate

An Ubaser waste to energy plant in UK

15 Sep 21 - A joint venture between a New Zealand firm and Spanish and Chinese waste technology companies is investigating harvesting energy from South Island landfills.

Incinerator could go carbon-negative

23 Mar 21 - A waste-to-energy plant in the Norwegian capital could become one of the world’s first carbon-negative incinerators, pending a decision from the European Commission to fund a carbon dioxide capture facility there. Environmentalists, for their part, are yet to be convinced.


17 Mar 21 - Ten years ago, Crest Energy got approval to build the country’s first tidal power-station. The Kaipara Harbour project has never gone ahead.

INDUSTRY: cut emissions by improving rubbish collection

26 Aug 20 - Cutting collection of household rubbish to fortnightly instead of weekly would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the industry says.

Using microbes to clean up electronic waste

20 Aug 20 - If you were to stack up all the electronic waste produced annually around the world it would weigh as much as all the commercial aircrafts ever produced, or 5000 Eiffel towers.

Ban looming for more plastic things

12 Aug 20 - Plastic items including straws, plates and branding stickers on fruit are likely to go the way of single-use plastic bags and be banned.

Nation's first waste-to-gas plant proves a point

6 Aug 20 - Construction of New Zealand’s first large-scale waste-to-biogas plant shows the country could eliminate greenhouse gas emission caused by food rotting in rubbish dumps, the Bioenergy Association says.

Mandatory product stewardship on the way

30 Jul 20 - A shake-up of the waste management system means six industries will have to take responsibility for their products once consumers have finished with them.

How plastic pollution problem could look by 2040

28 Jul 20 - We’re bombarded by information on the topic of marine litter and plastic pollution, but how much do we really know about the problem?

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