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COP 23

After Bonn, five things to watch for in the coming year

30 Nov 17 - Unusually for a large UN climate conference, the recent Bonn talks didn’t finish with any late-night haggling. Progress, in the form of various commitments and pledges, is best described as slow and steady.

Bonn talks bring a poison pill for Poland

24 Nov 17 - If anything came out of the COP23 climate conference in Bonn, it’s a poison pill for Poland.

Bonn summit slow and steady but King Coal looms

20 Nov 17 - The climate talks in Bonn saw little drama other than some star turns and a pantomime villain. All eyes are now on Poland, the next summit host.

Shaw commits NZ to leading on climate challenge

17 Nov 17 - New Zealand has just committed itself on the world stage to being carbon-neutral by 2050 and being a Pacific leader on climate change.

NZ signs up to cut methane and black carbon

17 Nov 17 - New Zealand has signed up to a plan to cut methane and black carbon emissions from agriculture and waste.

Global pledge to phase out coal gets full backing of NZ

17 Nov 17 - New Zealand is part of a new alliance launched at the Bonn climate talks that hopes to signal the end of coal.

Carbon markets back in vogue at Bonn

17 Nov 17 - Carbon markets have become a vital piece of common ground for defenders of the climate. The tool is gradually extending around the world, bringing with it higher revenues.

Indigenous groups win greater climate recognition

17 Nov 17 - Indigenous groups claimed a victory at the Bonn climate talks in Bonn as governments acknowledged for the first time that they can play a leadership role in protecting forests and keeping global...

MERKEL MESSAGE: Climate change decides our destiny

16 Nov 17 - “Climate change is an issue determining our destiny as mankind – it will determine the wellbeing of all of us,” the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has told the world’s nations gathered at the Bonn...

Bonn protesters savage Trump's coal push

15 Nov 17 - The Trump team was heckled and interrupted by a protest song at the UN’s climate change summit in Bonn after using its only official appearance to say fossil fuels were vital to reducing poverty...

It's about to get a whole lot worse, say scientists

14 Nov 17 - The world has been given a stark warning by some of its leading scientists: there is much worse climate change on the way.

Alternative American group wants seat at the table

14 Nov 17 - The United Nations should give a “seat at the table” to a powerful group of US states, cities, tribes and businesses that are committed to taking action on climate change, Michael Bloomberg has urged.

CLIMATE CRISIS? No need to fear, the Cote d'Ivoire is here

14 Nov 17 - Just over 19,000 delegates and officials are attending the UN climate talks in Bonn. The largest party - 493 - comes from the Cote d'Ivoire.

ETS changes win us an award at Bonn talks

10 Nov 17 - Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme have won New Zealand a Carbon Pricing Champion Award at international climate negotiations in Bonn.

Fonterra to talk farming at Bonn climate talks

Francesca Eggleton

9 Nov 17 - Fonterra will strut its stuff tomorrow at international climate talks in Bonn.

Africans call for US to be kicked out of Bonn talks

9 Nov 17 - African campaigners have called for US negotiators to be barred from climate talks under way in Bonn.

Do it differently to ensure markets do their job

8 Nov 17 - Carbon markets need to do things differently to avoid the mistakes of the Kyoto Protocol, a market watchdog says.

New Zealand's team in Bonn

7 Nov 17 - New Zealand will be represented at international climate negotiations by climate minister James Shaw and Pacific minister Aupito William Sio.

India readies for clashes with developed world at Bonn

6 Nov 17 - SEVERAL AREAS of unfinished business mean talks in Bonn could ignite as developing nations seek concessions from the industrialised world

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